A love that’s pure adapts itself to thought,
we find deep in cave where truth is taught,
then light upon what matters is so near,
wonderful, free from limits, truly blessed,
the flow of joy and kindness, without fear.
As goodness dances with beat that leavens,
so, while this love vibrates for good reason
and softly falling raindrops are quiet a sacrifice,
a gift to the season, the chance to meet this life’s sweetest diet.
Applaud the passion for kissing night’s air,
and fulfil necessary signals flare,
abiding free, there’s not even a wish,
so, love unties the long string to appease,
and let go of habits, the need to please.
A tiny eye arrests the movement met,
a shooting star captures, we can’t forget,
yet the wanting, jealousy grabs the mind;
ache never touches love, a pain not known,
the heart’s so big and the desire so blind.
